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Florida personal injury lawyers



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    What Is Personal Injury Protection?

    Learning the answer to “What is personal injury protection?” will help you make the best decision on the types of coverage and coverage amounts you need to ensure that you get the help you need when you are involved and hurt in a motor vehicle crash. A seasoned lawyer who deals with injury settlements and personal injury lawsuits can advise you on how to get the compensation you deserve after an injury caused in a crash. 

    Personal injury protection is also known as no-fault insurance. Typically, outside of Florida liable parties and their insurance companies pay for the medical treatment for injuries sustained in a car crash.

    Personal injury protection, or PIP, extends coverage to you for medical treatment obtained regardless of fault. In Florida, PIP comes in handy when you are injured in a crash – because that coverage will pay for the medical treatment that you undergo as a result of the crash.

    Let’s explore more information about personal injury protection.

    What Is Personal Injury Protection? – The Basics

    There are a lot of different types of insurance. So much so that many consumers have a hard time deciding what to choose. So when you’re on the phone talking to an insurance broker, typically talking about auto insurance, they should offer you PIP as it is mandatory in Florida.

    Mostly PIP covers your medical bills and treatment relative to automotive crash. If you’re riding on a bicycle or walking as a pedestrian in the street and a car hits you, it should still cover you. However, its main focus is when you are in a car and involved in a crash accidents and injuries sustained in accidents.

    Here’s what you can generally expect PIP to cover:

    • Hospitalization
    • Emergency Care
    • Medical Treatment and Bill
    • Lost Income (which you will need to reserve and show proof)

    Florida is a state that requires personal injury protection. Even if you don’t want it, you still have to pay for it with your auto insurance.

    Most of the time, insurers will require patients to provide documentation of medical bills in order to qualify for PIP. In Florida, PIP covers 80% of medical bills in most cases – as PIP only pays what they deem to be “reasonable” charges associated with the treatment.

    What To Do After a Car Crash Injury

    Car crashes are always bad news, but some are worse than others. Every day, though, people across the country die or are seriously injured in automobile accidents. In addition, people drive carelessly or at high speeds, and dangerous road conditions often make things worse.

    Dealing with insurance companies and reading through policies is never fun right after an accident. Especially if you’re recovering from a serious accident, the last thing you want to do is dive into details about how you will pay for your hospital bill.

    Finding a lawyer specializing in car accidents and personal injury claims is a great way to handle legal and insurance issues after a crash. They’ll ideally have years of expertise dealing with cases like yours and will guide you in the right direction.

    However, this is what you can expect during the insurance claims process and how your PIP will work.

    1. PIP Is Your First Option – Usually, your PIP kicks in immediately to cover expenses. Once you exhaust your PIP coverage, then your other health insurance policies kick in.
    2. Filing a Claim Against Another Driver’s Insurance – When the costs of your injuries exceed your coverage limits, then it’s time to file a claim against the other driver’s insurance policy. Here, fault in the accident comes into play. Another driver’s insurance provider won’t pay for your injuries unless their customer is liable.
    3. Filing a Lawsuit – When your injuries are severe and likely exceed policy limits, then your best option may be filing suit. This will require assistance from an experienced lawyer, and the process could take months or even years.

    Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer After a Crash

    In cases where injuries are severe, and medical costs are high, you’ll need an expert attorney to help you win compensation from insurance companies and other liable parties.

    Often, car accidents leave victims permanently disabled and unable to perform at work. They lose income now and in the future as a result. In extreme cases, people die, and families suffer.

    Finding the right legal team to support you makes all of the difference. Here’s how to hire a good personal injury lawyer and win the damages that you deserve.

    Look at the Track Record

    When your health and financial future are on the line, the stakes are too high to take chances. You need a proven lawyer and legal team to win your case. Look for firms with recent experience winning cases like yours. Find out how much they won victims in settlements or court judgments. Choose a proven team you can trust.

    Read Reviews & Ask for Recommendations

    These days, it’s easier than ever to find the best lawyers in your area. People leave positive and, when applicable, negative reviews. You can use them to inform your decision. Just know that you shouldn’t only choose companies with a lot of positive reviews. It’s a good indicator, but it shouldn’t be the only factor.

    Take Advantage of Free Consultations

    Whether it’s to talk about an insurance claim or learn about your chances in a lawsuit, you should talk to lawyers and discuss the details of your case. A good lawyer will help you set realistic expectations and plan a successful strategy.

    Pay Attention to Communication Style

    Do you feel comfortable around your lawyer? Do they respond quickly to your requests and inquiries? You should only work with an attorney you feel comfortable with and confident working with. A personal injury claim case can take years to resolve. Therefore, the relationship must have a solid foundation from the beginning.

    Personal Injury Experts at Leighton Panoff Law

    The team at Leighton Panoff Law has years of experience dealing with all kinds of personal injury cases. We know how to navigate your coverage and will work with you to win the damages you deserve after a crash.

    Talk to us to schedule a free consultation with an expert personal injury lawyer and get the legal support you need after injury or the death of a loved one.

    Article by:

    John Leighton

    A nationally-recognized trial lawyer who handles catastrophic injury and death cases. He manages Leighton Law, P.A. trial lawyers, with offices in Miami and Orlando, Florida. He is President of The National Crime Victim Bar Association, author of the 2-volume textbook,Litigating Premises Security Cases, and past Chairman of the Association of Trial Lawyers of America’s Motor Vehicle, Highway & Premises Liability Section. Having won some of the largest verdicts in Florida history, Mr. Leighton is listed inThe Best Lawyers in America (14 years), “Top Lawyers” in the South Florida Legal Guide (15 years), Top 100 Florida SuperLawyer™ and Florida SuperLawyers (14 years), “Orlando Legal Elite” by Orlando Style magazine, and FloridaTrend magazine “Florida Legal Elite


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