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Negligent Security Seminar | March 2015

Florida personal injury lawyers



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    Confidential settlement- Child-on-child day care sexual assault

    Schools and day care have a higher responsibility than most businesses. They are entrusted with our children.  The children often do not have the judgment to determine right from wrong.  In this case the gross failures of a day care resulted in a sexual assault.

    John Leighton and Man Panoff obtained a confidential settlement for a 4 year-old girl who was sexually assaulted by a 5 year-old boy while at day care.  The child had reported inappropriate touching to her parents who had in turn reported this to the day care facility.  The children were not kept separated nor was there sufficient supervision, thus allowing the 5 year-old to abuse the little girl another time.  The case was settled prior to a lawsuit being filed.

    Leighton Panoff Law are committed advocates for the rights of children who have suffered sexual abuse.  We will continue to fight until sex abuse of children stops.


    Disclaimer: The information about past verdicts and settlements of the firm’s cases are based on the unique facts of each case. These amounts reflect the gross recovery in each case (before attorneys fees, expenses and medical costs are deducted).  Although these results were obtained by our firm, they may not indicate the success or value of any other case.  By clicking on Verdicts and Settlements you are acknowledging that each case is unique and must be evaluated on its own merits. The information contained here has not been reviewed or approved by The Florida Bar.


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