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Negligent Security Seminar | March 2015

Florida personal injury lawyers



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    Leighton Panoff Law Case Discussed on WLRN

    The compelling story of the Kashi Ashram case, one of John Leighton’s recently filed lawsuits, was discussed on WLRN recently, during an interview with Miami New Times reporter Terence McCoy, who first reported the story.

    The lawsuit was filed on behalf of the daughter of Kashi Founder, Ma Jaya Bhagavati Cho. Our client, who endured sexual and emotional abuse, was forced into a marriage at age 14 to a 25 year-old man, and was emotionally tortured, all under her mother’s orders.  This cult was founded in Miami and was based right off Old Cutler Road for years before moving to its current compound location in Sebastian, Florida.

    Now in her 40s, the leader’s daughter has been flooded with repressed memories that were triggered by the recent death of her mother and cult leader Ma Jaya. She looks to seek justice not only for herself, but for other members of the Kashi Ashram who suffered similar abuse.  The Kashi Ashram has been identified as a destructive cult since the early 1980s by various media outlets, and stories of child abduction, abuse, and brainwashing have been common.

    Cult’s prey on young and vulnerable adults, and often involve brainwashing, emotional, physical and sexual abuse.  It also often involves a singular leader who has cult members provide material goods and money to him or her as part of the culture.  It has been reported the Ma Jaya spent lavishly on herself and was fond of gambling as well.  We consider cults hugely destructive.

    You can listen to the interview here:


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