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Negligent Security Seminar | March 2015

Florida personal injury lawyers



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    Heating Up! Negligent Security: People+Premises+Data Seminar — Groundbreaking negligent security program held at the home of the Miami Heat

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    The 7th Annual Leighton Lecture Series was no ordinary seminar.  With its location in the heart of the Miami Heat’s American Airlines Arena, attorneys, experts and industry attendees participated in a first-of-its-kind CLE program.

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    John Leighton greets guests at the Miami Heat’s home

    Heating Up! Negligent Security: People+Premises+Data” featured cutting edge strategies on litigating premises security and violent crime cases as well as updates on the law and claims and defenses by Leighton Panoff Law’s John Leighton.

    But the seminar added a new twist: data security and privacy issues.  Information technology expert Brandon Bowers of Zentek Data Systems provided a detailed discussion of data security and privacy issues and lectured about laws dealing with cloud storage and security.  Forensic accountant Card Fedde of Mallah Furman spoke on discovery and obtaining financial data through electronic means.  As an expert on ESI (electronically stored information), Fedde gave tips to the attendees on how to find the missing data in litigation.

    Those in attendance were provided a private area for dinner and drinks on the patio at the Arena which was followed by the NBA champion San Antonio Spurs playing the immediate past NBA champion Miami Heat. It was a championship afternoon and evening and everyone walked away with something if not the NBA trophy.

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    Mr. Leighton speaking on the finer points of security cases.

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    Marit Hudson (moderator), and speakers John Leighton, Brandon Bowers and Carl Fedde.

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    John Leighton speaking about expert witnesses.


    Carl Fedde makes an animated point on electronic discovery.


    Brandon Bowers of Zentek Data Systems.


    Heating Up! took place at the beautiful home of the Miami Heat, after which attendees watched the Miami Heat play the world champion San Antonio Spurs.


    Following the seminar, for which attendees received 6.5 hours of continuing legal education credit, everyone was invited to a private reception on the patio at the Arena for dinner and drinks.


    John Leighton poses with the Larry O’Brien trophy, representing the Miami Heat’s 2013 championship season.

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