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    Dangerous and Defective Product Lawyer Miami

    If a defective product hurts you or someone you know, you should find a defective product lawyer Miami residents turn to for help.

    Every day, millions of Americans use products for everything from brushing their teeth to cooking food.

    We take for granted that things will work. All of us go into the store, look online, buy what we need, and expect the products we purchase to perform the way they are shown in ads or how we would reasonably expect.

    Most people have no idea what sort of complex international supply chains are in the background to move those items from idea to manufacturing to the store shelves (or online commerce). They have to go through conception, design, modeling, tests, evolutions of the manufacturing process, safety checks, and several other goalposts along the way to ensure safety and reliability in your hands.

    Unfortunately, though, things slip through the cracks. Mistakes happen and, when serious enough, people go to the hospital.

    Injuries from defective products are more common than you’d think. They happen every day and send people to the hospital or sideline them from work while recovering. In the worst cases, defective product injuries are fatal.

    If you are hurt or lost a loved one because of what you think is a faulty product, contact a defective product lawyer today. When hiring a defective product lawyer, Miami residents need to find someone who will fight for compensation and hold the people responsible accountable. They also need a skilled trial lawyer who has the experience, education, training and track record to take on major manufacturers and retailers.

    Here is some helpful information on defective product cases and how an attorney can help.

    Defective Products at Work

    Workplace injuries are often serious. If you’re working on a construction site, driving a truck, or some sort of factory, you are probably using heavy machinery. You want the equipment you’re using to perform well without risk of injury.

    What happens when something goes wrong?

    Unfortunately, defective products lead to workplace injuries all the time. A part comes loose, or it fails to support the weight it’s designed to hold, and people get hurt.

    Here are some examples of workplace injuries due to defective products:

    • Car or truck part failure that causes a road accident
    • Weight-bearing structures fail to hold up walls, ceilings, shelves, and other items and fall on someone
    • Cranes collapse and injure construction workers
    • Electronic components fail and shock people using them
    • Safety measures on flammable products fail and burn people in the area.

    There are a million different ways a defective part can screw up and hurt someone. That’s why safety checks and regulating bodies are so important to the manufacturing process. People need to know how to use a product properly and what they can expect from it.

    For example, if a product, like a lift, states that it can hold however many thousands of pounds, people will trust the label and use it to that extent. If it fails, though, it crashes down on the person operating the lift and anyone else in the area.

    Defective Products at Home

    While you’re probably not operating a heavy lift or using power tools all that often at home, defective products still pose a serious risk.

    One of the biggest issues with defective products at home is that children use them. Small pieces come apart and pose a choking hazard to toddlers, or kids use defective holiday products or sporting equipment that fails them and causes injury.

    Children’s toys are often the subject of recalls because of safety issues. Most people do not realize that most toys and juvenile products are not safety tested and there is not regulation that requires that they are.  These products can be unreasonably dangerous in their design or have a manufacturing defect.

    It doesn’t matter if it’s a toy that is defective or a kitchen appliance, defective product injuries at home can send you to the hospital or even kill someone.

    Defective Product Lawyers Miami Benefits

    When you or someone you love gets hurt by a defective product, you can seek compensation for:

    • Medical bills
    • Lost income due to time away from work
    • Pain & Suffering
    • Other costs related to the injury

    Too often, people make the mistake of thinking that it was their fault the product didn’t work the way it was supposed to.

    Don’t fall into this trap. With a defective product lawyer, Miami residents find the help they need. A lawyer will identify liable parties and get them to pay for your suffering.

    A good lawyer will look at things like:

    The manufacturing process

    Was there anything during the manufacturing process that led to the defect? A lawyer with a specialty in defective product cases will know where to look and how to get access to the information you’re looking for in a settlement or personal injury case. They’ll find gaps in the manufacturing process that led to the defect and what caused your injury.

    Product Design

    Sometimes, even though a product is very promising, it’s not made right. It can work 99 times out of 100, but if that one exception causes injury due in no part to the user, then it’s not fit for commercial or consumer use. For a defective product lawyer, Miami residents and employees need to find a firm with design expertise.

    Bad Labels

    If you take a second and look, odds are that every product you use either has a warning or a use label on the product itself or its packaging. It’s the manufacturer’s or seller’s responsibility to cover any eventuality related to their product like:

    • Choking
    • Weight limits
    • Running times
    • Use instructions
    • Flammable warnings
    • Any other safety concerns

    Defective Product Lawyer Miami Investigations

    If you or someone you know gets hurt by a defective product, one of the first things you should do is hire an experienced lawyer to help.

    Here’s a brief rundown of what you can expect to happen and why you need a defective product lawyer Miami specialist on your side.

    Step 1 – The Injury Happens

    You, a child, a relative, or someone else you know is using a product, and it malfunctions, causing injuries.

    While the victim’s safety is of utmost concern, if you have an attorney to help, they will recommend where to go to seek medical attention and how to treat the product that caused the injury. This is important for later on when injuries are documented and for evidence collection.

    Step 2 – Dealing with Product Companies & Insurance Providers

    Companies that sell faulty products often try to make defective product injuries go away quietly. There is a lot at stake for them. They have revenue and a reputation to protect.

    As a result, as soon as you report an injury from a defective product. Their legal team and insurance provider will likely come calling. They’ll offer you some lowball settlement that may seem attractive initially, but typically won’t cover all of your long-term medical care and any lost income.

    Insider Tip – A seasoned lawyer will know what constitutes a fair settlement offer and will let you know when to refuse offers.

    Step 3 – Settlement Negotiations Proceed

    When hiring a defective product lawyer, Miami victims need someone with a good track record with similar cases. They’ll manage your correspondence with the companies and insurance providers to eliminate any chance of failing to get a fair settlement or winning in court.

    Step 4 – Finding Liable Parties

    With a legal team supporting you, you can begin to look for who was at fault for your injury. Whether it’s the third-party manufacturer, the labeling company, marketing firms, or some other partner in the product chain, a lawyer will assign liability and pursue damages aggressively to get you the compensation you deserve.

    Step 5 – Settlements

    A good settlement will compensate victims for their injuries, long-term medical care, the loss of future income, and pain and suffering. Sometimes, it can be hard to put an exact figure on things like future income or pain and suffering. However, an experienced lawyer will know past settlement amounts and base your negotiations off of those figures to win you the money you need to recover.

    Step 6 – Pursuing Your Personal Injury Case in Court

    If need be, your lawyer will take your case to court and win your compensation there. You should interview and retain a defective product lawyer Miami victims have used in the past to win court cases.

    What to Do with a Defective Product After an Injury?

    It’s stressful when you or a child, for example, is hurt by a product. You scramble to call first responders, limit injuries, and ease their pain. Usually, the last thing on your mind is what to do with the toy, tool, or kitchen item that caused the injury.

    However, what you do with the product after an injury will be very important to your case. Here’s what you should do:

    Keep the Product

    Don’t throw anything away, and do your best to preserve the scene the way it was when the injury happened.

    Don’t Alter the Item

    Don’t move the product, and don’t handle it further after an injury. Certainly, leaving things alone will help document the cause of the malfunction and capture the defect properly.


    Take pictures, make a record of what happened, and find any documentation related to the product.

    Get the Legal Help that You Deserve

    At Leighton Panoff Law, we represent victims of product defects to win them the compensation they deserve after an injury. If you get hurt by a product, call us for a no-obligation consultation to discuss the details of your case.

    Article by:

    John Leighton

    A nationally-recognized trial lawyer who handles catastrophic injury and death cases. He manages Leighton Law, P.A. trial lawyers, with offices in Miami and Orlando, Florida. He is President of The National Crime Victim Bar Association, author of the 2-volume textbook,Litigating Premises Security Cases, and past Chairman of the Association of Trial Lawyers of America’s Motor Vehicle, Highway & Premises Liability Section. Having won some of the largest verdicts in Florida history, Mr. Leighton is listed inThe Best Lawyers in America (14 years), “Top Lawyers” in the South Florida Legal Guide (15 years), Top 100 Florida SuperLawyer™ and Florida SuperLawyers (14 years), “Orlando Legal Elite” by Orlando Style magazine, and FloridaTrend magazine “Florida Legal Elite


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