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    Best Aviation Accident Lawyer in Orlando

    Finding an experienced aviation accident lawyer will help you and your family obtain compensation after an accident. They will help you build a case and relieve the pressure of handling legal matters while you deal with the impact of injuries, trauma, or death. 

    Florida is home to some of the highest air traffic in the world. Florida has hubs like Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, Tampa, and Orlando, and there are many smaller airports and fixed base operators (FBO’s) that support small aircraft and general aviation flights. 

    Every year, millions of Floridians and tourists fly over the state. Unfortunately, sometimes incidents happen. 

    When a plane crashes, malfunctions, or skids off the runway, it usually plays in the news for a few days before all mentions of the issue disappear. 

    The size of the plane usually corresponds to the length of time the accident stays in the news cycle. 

    But what about the victims? Often, plane accident victims deal with injuries and trauma for the rest of their lives. Losing a loved one or going to physical therapy sessions for years doesn’t get much attention. 

    Where are you going to turn if a plane crash affects you or someone you love?

    The right aviation accident lawyer knows how to pursue a personal injury case to hold companies, airports, pilots, and other parties responsible. 

    Common Aviation Accidents in Florida

    With a simple Google search, it’s easy to see just how common aviation accidents are in Florida. 

    Here are some of the Florida airplane accidents from 2020:

    Dec 19 – A single-engine plane from Sarasota encountered something and diverted the plane to Naples, ultimately ditching the aircraft near Naples Pier. Both occupants suffered injuries. 

    Oct 8 – A Cessna plane went out of control during takeoff from North Palm Beach County Airport and crashed into a nearby pond. All seven people on board suffered injuries, some serious. 

    Aug 28 – A twin-engine aircraft in Pompano Beach crashed into a public storage facility and a nearby parking lot. Both occupants died in the crash. 

    May 3 – While descending into Jacksonville-Towers Field, the crew aboard a Boeing 737 changed runways and landed over 1,500 feet past the runway threshold. The plane overran the airport and 21 of the 143 people on board suffered injuries. 

    These are just the major crashes in 2020. There are also more mundane, less “exciting” aviation accidents that happen more frequently.  Sometimes aviation accidents are not even in the air: passengers can be knocked down or injured on jet bridges and in airports.  Improperly secured luggage can fall on passengers.  There are many types of injuries that occur both on the ground and in the air that are not traditionally thought of as a “plane crash.” Talking to an aviation accident lawyer will help you know whether you have a case after an accident. 

    What Leads to Aviation Accidents?

    Planes are complex machines. To become a pilot, you’ve got to go through years of intense training and pass difficult certifications. That’s just to become a pilot!

    Additionally, if you want to ferry passengers, the regulations are even more strict. 

    There are also numerous flight safety checks, maintenance requirements, and facility checks that must happen to make flights happen. 

    That said, aviation accidents happen despite all of the close monitoring by airlines, government authorities, and manufacturers. Here are some of the causes of aviation accidents:

    Pilot Error 

    Pilots, for the most part, are extremely well-trained. However, pilots make mistakes. There is the famous case of the pilot of a Germanwings airliner intentionally crashing his plane and all passengers onboard into the French Alps in 2015. 

    At the time, it was unfathomable that a pilot would do something like that on purpose, but now mental health checks are a significant part of recurring pilot training, and airlines adjusted safety practices to limit how often one airline pilot is alone in the cockpit. 

    Pilot error includes misreading of instrument panels, failure to properly read and adjust for weather patterns, and fatigue. 

    Bad Weather

    Florida is known for great weather, but we deal with a lot of high winds, hurricanes, rain, and other adverse weather conditions that aren’t ideal for flying. 

    Tropical weather changes quickly, and pilots have to read weather patterns and adapting to shifts quickly. If they don’t, bad things happen. 

    Poor Aircraft Maintenance

    These days, planes are incredibly reliable. Statistically, it’s the safest time ever to fly. There are fewer crashes and fewer people die in aviation accidents than in generations past. 

    However, good track records sometimes lead to complacency. This, unfortunately, often boils down to the facility location. Some airports, maintenance crews, and contractors lower their standards and do shoddy work. 

    When they fail to perform the proper maintenance, planes occasionally experience trouble in the air or on takeoff and landing. 

    People who fly want to know that their plane is well-maintained. 

    Manufacturing Defects

    Thousands of components make up planes. They come in small sizes and large sizes, but all must be reliable and durable. 

    One bad critical component can trigger a chain effect that impacts the plane’s performance and the pilot’s ability to pilot the airplane. 

    There may be a flaw or an oversight in the manufacturing process that leads to an aviation accident and subsequent injuries. 

    Air Traffic Controller Error 

    Just like pilots, the teams that guide plans into and out of airports must be highly trained professionals. 

    All you have to do is look up an aircraft tracker online to see how congested the skies are. When you’re outside, it doesn’t look so crowded, but there are a lot of planes flying up there! 

    With little margin for error, air traffic controllers must be precise in the guidance they deliver. One mistake or lapse in judgment can be catastrophic. 

    Why You Need an Aviation Accident Lawyer

    Airlines, the companies that make them, and service providers are typically large companies with deep pockets. 

    After an accident, they have tools at their disposal designed to limit liability for injuries or any other impact to victims. 

    It doesn’t matter if you or a loved one suffer injuries in a plane or as a result of a crash like if a plane crashes into a house or building where you are, you need legal help fast. 

    With an experienced aviation accident lawyer, you will match those responsible step for step. 

    Your attorney will:

    • Investigate the causes of the crash or accident (there may be multiple causes)
    • Determine whether there was a defect in any product that caused or contributed to a crash
    • Handle correspondence with liable parties and insurance providers
    • Negotiate settlements and other payments
    • Assign a proper value to your injuries
    • Recommend the right medical treatment and other resources
    • File lawsuits against the responsible parties
    • Hold every responsible party accountable

    An Aviation Accident Lawyer Will Help Determine Liability 

    How do you know who is responsible for an aviation accident? Unless you’re a seasoned pro when it comes to aircraft and aviation operations, it’s hard to know who shoulders the blame for an accident, and you won’t know where to start. 

    How will you tell whether there was a faulty part? Can you spot a flaw in the design of an aircraft that resulted in injuries or death? 

    Unless you have years of industry experience, it’s hard to know. 

    This, exactly, is the value of an experienced aviation accident lawyer. They will investigate liability and aggressively pursue those who are responsible. 

    Some potential aviation accident liable parties include:

    • Aircraft designers
    • Plane manufacturers
    • Pilots
    • Training programs
    • Fixed Base Operators (FBOs)
    • Maintenance providers
    • Mechanics
    • Ground crews
    • Air traffic controllers

    Building Your Case After an Accident

    What happens after a plane crash or some other serious accident that ends in injury or death? It’s not like aviation accidents are something people are accustomed to managing. 

    However, what you do and say after your plane skids off the runway or experiences a mechanical failure is critical to your case’s success. 

    Frequently, liable companies or parties are very proactive. They go into damage-control mode to limit their costs tied to the incident. They’ll call your family offering money and other forms of support. 

    Here’s what you should do:

    Don’t – Talk to the liable parties, their lawyers, or any insurance companies. Let your attorney do the talking. If anyone comes knocking, simply refer them to your lawyer. 

    Do – Go to the hospital and get checked out. Sometimes it’s hard to recognize injuries in the heat of the moment. People experience delayed symptoms all of the time. 

    Don’t – Accept any payments or sign any statements. Doing either will severely limit your recourse in court in a personal injury trial. 

    Do – Document evidence and take pictures of the scene. Keep records of your communication with the company. Talk to your lawyer about weather conditions and anything else you noticed on the day of the accident. 

    Getting help from the right legal team in Florida will help you win the compensation you deserve whether your aviation accident happens in Orlando, Miami or anywhere else in the state. Hire the best attorney you can find by interviewing them, examining their track record, and reading online reviews.

    At Leighton Panoff Law, we represent victims of aviation accidents and their families and can help you seek damages after something goes wrong on a plane. Talk to us to discuss the details of your case and the best way forward. 

    Article by:

    John Leighton

    A nationally-recognized trial lawyer who handles catastrophic injury and death cases. He manages Leighton Law, P.A. trial lawyers, with offices in Miami and Orlando, Florida. He is President of The National Crime Victim Bar Association, author of the 2-volume textbook,Litigating Premises Security Cases, and past Chairman of the Association of Trial Lawyers of America’s Motor Vehicle, Highway & Premises Liability Section. Having won some of the largest verdicts in Florida history, Mr. Leighton is listed inThe Best Lawyers in America (14 years), “Top Lawyers” in the South Florida Legal Guide (15 years), Top 100 Florida SuperLawyer™ and Florida SuperLawyers (14 years), “Orlando Legal Elite” by Orlando Style magazine, and FloridaTrend magazine “Florida Legal Elite


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