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Seminario de Seguridad Negligente | Marzo 2015>

Abogados de lesiones personales de Florida

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    Cuánto es :

    Understanding the Types of Damages Allowed for Personal Injury Claims in Florida

    If you or a loved one has suffered injuries due to someone else’s negligence and you’re considering filing a personal […]

    What to Do If You Suspect that Your Loved One Has Suffered Abuse in a Nursing Home

    As senior citizens begin to face age-related challenges that make it difficult to live independently, it is common for their […]

    What is a Compulsory Medical Exam After a Car Accident?

    If you have been injured in a car accident, the insurance company for the other party involved may require you […]

    When Can a Third Party Be Held Liable for a Car Accident?

    When injuries or vehicle damage sustained in a car accident leads to a lawsuit, the defendant is typically one of […]

    Steps to Take if Your Child Has Been Physically or Sexually Abused at School

    From pre-K facilities through high schools, all schools should provide safe, comfortable environments where children can learn and grow. Unfortunately, […]

    When Perpetrators Aren’t the Only Ones at Fault: Third-Party Liability for Violent Crimes

    From assaults to sexual crimes to homicides, violent crimes of all types can inflict life-altering trauma on victims and their […]

    What Security Measures are Shopping Plazas and Malls Expected to Have in Place?

    A trip to a mall or shopping plaza is supposed to be a fun, relaxing experience—but unfortunately, these venues are […]

    Many Universities Underreport Crime Statistics – Here’s What Parents Should Know

    As a parent, sending your son or daughter to college is an exciting yet scary step. While most colleges and […]

    What are the Most Common Violent Crimes on College Campuses?

    From small, private colleges to large state universities, most postsecondary institutions do everything they can to ensure the safety of […]

    5 of the Most Common Injuries Sustained by Visitors to Florida

    As one of the most popular vacation destinations in the U.S., millions of people from all over the world visit […]



    Normas de seguridad para el paravelismo.

    John Leighton aparece en CNN para comentar sobre las normas de seguridad propuestas para el paravelismo.

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    Programa de hoy con John

    John Leighton aparece en el programa “Today” de NBC como parte de su representación de la familia de Amber May White, quien murió en una tragedia de paravelismo.

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    Artículo de portada: Leighton Crusader for Safety

    John Leighton aparece en la portada de la Guía Legal del Sur de Florida

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    John Leighton's 2-volume bookPremises Security Case Litigation.

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