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Negligent Security Seminar | March 2015

Florida personal injury lawyers



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    When Personal Injury Becomes Wrongful Death: Understanding Florida Law

    Experiencing a personal injury is traumatic, but when such injuries result in death, the impact on families is devastating. In […]

    Seasonal Safety Tips: Avoiding Injuries During Florida Summers

    Florida summers are synonymous with warm beautiful weather, outdoor activities, and vacation fun. However, the season also brings unique risks […]

    Steps to Take When Injured in a Public Place in Florida: Your Legal Rights

    Personal injuries can occur unexpectedly, and when they happen in a public place, it’s crucial to know your legal rights […]

    The Importance of Witness Statements in Building a Strong Personal Injuries Case

    Witness statements often make the difference between winning and losing a personal injury case. Whether it’s a car accident, slip […]

    Legal Strategies for Handling Hit-and-Run Accidents in Florida

    Hit-and-run accidents are a major problem in Florida, averaging over 103,000 incidents per year and resulting in significant fatalities and […]

    How Florida Courts Assess Pain and Suffering Damages

    When you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence, understanding how damages are assessed can be crucial in pursuing a […]

    The Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury: A Guide for Florida Victims

    Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are among the most severe and life-altering injuries a person can endure. For victims in Florida, […]

    6 Common Mistakes to Avoid After a Slip-and-Fall Accident

    Slip-and-fall accidents are among the most common types of incidents that lead to personal injury claims. These accidents can happen […]

    Compensation for Cyclists: Rights After a Bike Accident in Florida

    Bicycling is a popular activity in Florida, enjoyed by both residents and tourists alike. However, the prevalence of bicycle accidents […]

    Florida’s Dog Bite Laws: What Victims Need to Know

    Florida’s dog bite laws are designed to protect victims by holding dog owners strictly liable for injuries caused by their […]



    Parasailing safety regulations.

    John Leighton appears on CNN to comment on proposed parasailing safety regulations.

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    Today Show with John

    John Leighton appears on NBC’s “Today” show as part of his representation of the family of Amber May White, who was killed in a parasailing tragedy.

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    Cover story: Leighton Crusader for Safety

    John Leighton featured on the cover of South Florida Legal Guide

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    John Leighton’s 2 volume book Litigating Premises Security Cases.

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