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Seminario de Seguridad Negligente | Marzo 2015>

Abogados de lesiones personales de Florida

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    Cuánto es :

    Injured in a Texting and Driving Accident in Orlando

    According to the National Safety Council, cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year. A National […]

    Car Accident Personal Injury Claim Against Me

    In the United States, there are an average of 6 million car accidents every year. Approximately half of these accidents […]

    Bike Accident in Orlando? What to Do Next

    Florida has long been one of the states with the highest rate of bicycle accidents in the United States. A […]

    Deadly Holiday Season – 10 Injury Statistics That Will Surprise You

    Ah, the holidays are here, a time of good cheer! Unfortunately, for thousands of Americans it is also a time […]

    How to Choose the Right Car Accident Lawyer in Miami

    In the United States, there are nearly 6 million car accidents each year. If you do the math, this breaks […]

    We Speak Spanish

    Hola, nosotros hablamos Español. When we formed Leighton Panoff Law in Florida, one of our first priorities was to establish […]

    Orlando Theme Parks During COVID-19

    Orlando, Florida is home to Walt Disney World (which consists of four theme parks), Universal Orlando (two theme parks), SeaWorld […]

    Leighton Panoff Law Represents Miami Nurse Practitioner in Deliberate COVID-19 Infection Lawsuit

    Leighton Panoff Law just filed a lawsuit on behalf of a nurse practitioner who was deliberately infected with COVID-19 by […]

    Can Black Lives Matter Stop Police Abuse in Orlando?

    The death of George Floyd earlier this year at the knee of a police officer served as a catalyst for […]

    What Should You Do After a Bike Accident in Miami?

    Florida has the most bicycle fatalities of any state with 6.2 deaths per 100,000 people on a per capita basis. […]



    Normas de seguridad para el paravelismo.

    John Leighton aparece en CNN para comentar sobre las normas de seguridad propuestas para el paravelismo.

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    Programa de hoy con John

    John Leighton aparece en el programa “Today” de NBC como parte de su representación de la familia de Amber May White, quien murió en una tragedia de paravelismo.

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    Artículo de portada: Leighton Crusader for Safety

    John Leighton aparece en la portada de la Guía Legal del Sur de Florida

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    John Leighton's 2-volume bookPremises Security Case Litigation.

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