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Seminario de Seguridad Negligente | Marzo 2015>

Abogados de lesiones personales de Florida

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    5 of the Most Common Injuries that Occur at Hotels and Resorts

    Whether traveling for business or leisure, guests at hotels and resorts expect a comfortable and relaxing setting—but most importantly, they expect their accommodations to be reasonably safe and clean. While most hotels strive to deliver an outstanding guest experience, mishaps and oversights can occur, potentially resulting in injuries or other harms to guests. When these injuries—which are sometimes referred to as “resort torts”—are caused by the hotel’s negligence, the victim may have a cause of action for a personal injury lawsuit against the hotel or resort.

    With millions of people visiting Florida each year, hotel injuries are, unfortunately, more prevalent in the Sunshine State than in many other places. Here are five of the most common injuries that occur at hotels and resorts:

    1. Slips and falls. A hotel’s employees are generally responsible for keeping steps, sidewalks, hallways, and other traffic areas dry, well-lit, and free of debris that could cause someone to trip and fall—and if ensuring a safe condition isn’t possible for whatever reason, employees should warn guests of potential hazards. However, given the expansive size and busy atmosphere of many hotels, it’s common for employees to not be able to rectify dangerous conditions before they pose a threat to guests’ safety—making slip-and-fall incidents one of the most likely culprits of injuries at hotels and resorts.
    2. Drownings and other water-related accidents. Many hotels, particularly in Florida, have luxurious pools and hot tubs where guests can unwind or exercise. And while hotels are required to maintain the pool area in a reasonably clean and safe condition—including posting warning signs and rules, ensuring that the water is sanitary and chemically balanced, and maintaining proper temperatures in hot tubs—accidents are still common, including fatal or life-threatening drownings.
    3. While hotels may not seem to be a likely setting for burn injuries, these painful incidents are surprisingly common. Causes may include scalding water from a shower or sink, overheated hot tubs, and malfunctioning appliances, such as hairdryers, irons, or coffee machines.
    4. Bed bugs. When staying at a hotel, the last things that guests want to think about is insect infestations or other contaminants lurking in the room. But unfortunately, critters such as bed bugs are always a possibility. As tiny insects that live off the blood of humans or animals, bed bugs can take up residence in a hotel’s bedding, linens, and furniture—and even when their presence becomes known, they are difficult to eradicate.
    5. In addition to taking steps to prevent accidents, hotels and resorts have a duty to implement reasonable security measures designed to deter foreseeable criminal acts, such as assault, battery, and theft. For example, hotels should ensure that their employees are adequately screened, the building’s common areas are well-lit, and the locking mechanisms on each room’s doors and windows are functioning properly. They cannot reveal a room number to anyone but the guest, nor should key cards be accessible to anyone else.  If the hotel fails to take these steps, victims of violent crimes may have a negligent security claim against the hotel.

    If you have been injured while staying at a hotel or resort in Florida, one of the first steps you should consider is speaking with a personal injury attorney who has experience with “resort torts.” At Leighton Panoff Law, we have extensive expertise in this area—which is necessary to stand up to the state’s powerful resort and vacation lobby. Visit to learn more about resort tort litigation, or call us at 888.988.1774 to schedule a consultation!






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